Tuesday 12 April 2016

Day 123


Here is what we did today.

Vishnu reached the stars ten times recently! Great work!

French: Please see Mlle. Jessica's blog for more information.
Calendar: Today our routine was led by Shreya.
Phonics: Today we continued with the "qu" sound. First we sang the song a few times and talked with our partners about various words that have the "qu" sound in it. Next we made a list on the board. Finally we made words out of play-doh from memory.

Gym: Please see Mr. Slyk's blog for more information.


Art: Please see Ms. Kerr's blog for more information.
UOI: Today we continued to talk about firefighters! We started off the period remembering what we know about firefighters. Next we talked about what to do when there is a fire. We talked about what we do if our clothes are on fire first. We learned that we have to "stop, drop and roll". Next we practiced what they looks like on the floor.

Following this we talked about what we would do if there was a fire in the school. We learned that we would have to drop whatever you are doing and quickly and quietly line up at the door. We practiced several times. We also talked about how serious fire safety is and how it is not something to be laughing about. Finally we talked about if we stay safe with things that can cause fires that we wont have to be nervous about fires happening.

Journal: We wrote about "To keep safe in fires I...". While this was happening I played the fire drill sound and the kids had to quickly show me how they line up for a fire drill. We are going to practice again throughout the week!

Math: Today we started talking about positioning. We sat in a circle and put different objects on the top, middle and bottom of a shelf as well as to the left and right of the chair. I showed them if they put their hands out into an L and the L is the right way around that is their left hand. If the L is backwards that is their right hand. Next we completed a worksheet.

Don't forget to purchase wristbands for summer fiesta!

Don't forget to bring in used batteries!

Have a great night!

Miss. Ross

Week of April 11th to April 15th   

-       Bring in used batteries to the auditorium: April 29th 2016
-       Summer fiesta tickets (It’s going to be lots of fun!): May 27th 2016
-       Casual Day: April 27th 2016
-       April spelling test: Friday April 29th 2016

o   away
o   big
o   find
o   make
o   red
o   run
o   help
o   jump
o   play
o   look

-       Snuggle up and read – due Friday

-     Jolly Phonics—“qu” due Friday

-      Friday Show and Share students:  Aashrith (qu), Layla (qu), Jordan (qu),  Ethan (qu)
      Please bring in something that has the sound in the word beside your name.

-       Words of the Week due Friday
-       1. queen
-       2. quick
-       3. quack
-       4. quit
-       5. quiet
-       6. quarter
Please note: If the weather is appropriate students can now be wearing their “spring/summer” uniform. This includes a short sleeve polo shirt and shorts.

-       Please initial agendas on the right side of the book daily to indicate you have read the agenda slip on the left hand side. Any new information that pops up throughout the week will be written on the right side of the agenda.

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