Monday 29 February 2016

Movie night!

Thank you for everyone who went to movie night! It was such a success! I hope you all had a great time! It looks like lots of fun:)

Take a look at the pictures on the parent guild blog!


Day 105


Here is what we did today.

French: Please see Mlle. Jessica's blog for more information.
Calendar: Today our routine was led by Maya.
Phonics: Today we talked about the letter "Yy". We sang the song, practiced the action and found all of the words that have the letter "Yy" in them. We talked about the sounds that "Yy" makes and how sometimes it makes an "ee" sound instead which is a little silly! Next we made a list of words on the board that have a "Yy" in them. They thought of a lot of words and they continued on past this list throughout the day! Next they used play-doh to make words that have a "Yy" in them.

Gym: Please see Mr. Slyk's blog for more information.


Library: We exchanged our books for new ones! We love going to the library!
UOI: Today we started on our summative! We are making collages. Each child picked two feelings that are different from each other. Next we found different pictures that represent those feelings as in words or pictures. They are doing well so far and having lots of fun doing it!


Math: Today we had a quick math lesson. We reminded ourselves of the different coins we learned and how much they are worth. Next we had a few children come to the board and count some coins. Next we counted up in tens verbally and I yelled STOP periodically. The children had to tell me what number came next. They are really good at counting in tens!

House game: They played a game where the whole house was lined up and they had to use a hoola-hoop to go over/under each player on the team. Zeta came first place, then Kappa and then Theta. Good work everyone!

Bake Sale: Just a reminder that it is our turn to bring in treats for the bake sale. It would be greatly appreciated if you could bring in treats (cupcakes, cookies etc) as this helps us to raise more money! Thank you again for those who already told me they will be bringing something in for tomorrow. I am very grateful! Our students can also purchase items from the bake sale.

Miss. Ross

Week of February 29th- March 4th

-       Scholastic book order- February 29th 2016
-       Spirit Week- February 29th to March 4th If your child does not wear the spirit day clothes they need to be in their uniform
o   Monday Feb 29th: Neon Colour Day. 
o   Tuesday March 1st: Cowboy/Cowgirl Day.
o   Wednesday March 2nd: Pajama Day. 
o   Thursday March 3rd: Super Hero/Princess Day. 
o   Friday March 4th: St. Patrick's Spirit Day. 
-       Bake Sale: Tuesday March 1st and 2nd : It is our turn to provide the treats please bring in some nut free treats!
-       March break:  March 7th to 18th 2016
-       March spelling test: April 1st 2016

o   from
o   or
o   word
o   were
o   your
o   said
o   there
o   use
o   an
o   each

-       Snuggle up and read – due Friday

-     Jolly Phonics—“Yy” and “Xx” due Friday

-       Thursday Show and Share students:   Ethan (Yy), Maya (Yy),  Zia (Xx),  Vishnu (Xx)
      Please bring in something that has the sound in the word beside your name.

-       Words of the Week due Friday
o   yolk
o   yellow
o   yawn
o   six
o   x-ray
o   boxer

- Please note: ALL students must wear the “winter” uniform (long sleeve shirt and sweater vest or cardigan)- NO T-SHIRTS PLEASE – If students are not dressed in their “winter” uniform, a uniform violation form will be sent home

-       Please initial agendas on the right side of the book daily to indicate you have read the agenda slip on the left hand side. Any new information that pops up throughout the week will be written on the right side of the agenda.
-       Please make sure that your child has hat, gloves, snowpants, coat and boots every day as it is very cold.

Sunday 28 February 2016

Upcoming Events!

Spirit Week

Next week is a very exciting week! It is spirit week and we are going to be having house games and dress up days to celebrate! Here is a list of what is coming up next week. If they do not come dressed up they are to be wearing their school uniform. I can’t wait to see all of their cute outfits!

Monday Feb 29th: Neon Colour Day. 

Tuesday March 1st:   Cowboy/Cowgirl Day.

Wednesday March 2nd: Pajama Day. 

Thursday  March 3rd: Super Hero/Princess Day. 

Friday March 4th: St. Patrick's Spirit Day. 

Bake Sale

Next week it is our turn to bring in delicious treats for the bake sale! As a result, it would be greatly appreciated if parents could bake and/or purchase nut free snacks for the bake sale. It will be happening on Tuesday March 1st and Wednesday March 2nd.

MYP Shakespeare play

Good day and good morrow fair lords and ladies;

The MYP beseeches you to attend their amendable performance of Billy the Bard’s Merchant of Venice, colloquially retitled The Merchant of Manhattan. In fair New York we lay our scene; 6 suitors strive to win the hand of the divine socialite: Portia. One suitor, Bassanio, is willing to risk all his good friend and cousin Antonio has (including a pound of his noble flesh) to win this lady’s hand. Will such a gamble and risk pay off, or will Bassanio wind up wifeless, friendless and ultimately alone? To discover the answer to these harrowing questions, join us on Tuesday March 1st. To buy passage into the production we respectfully request a small donation of two gold coins (or a toonie) to help fund the Arts program. We will also be holding a bake sale to provide some delectable delights and light refreshments while you watch. These festivities shall commence at 6:00pm. For now I shall retire, but I do anticipate your presence. God keep you!

Day 104


Here is what we did on Friday.

French: Please see Mlle. Jessica's blog for more information.
Calendar: Today our routine was led by Julia.
Phonics: We started off phonics with show and share! We talked about V and OO this week. Our presenters talked about their item and spelled it on the board with me. They did great! Next we reviewed the long vowel sounds by thinking of words with that sound in it. It was a good review as some people didn't remember!

Aashrith talked about his vest!
Layla talked about her cool water bottle!
Jordan talked about his choo-choo train!

Gym: Please see Mr. Slyk's blog for more information.


Creature quest: The kids had so much fun during the creature quest. They had the chance to see many animals such as: turtle, snake, skunk, red fox, owl, lizard. The presenter talked about each animal and allowed the kids to ask questions about them. Here are some pictures!

Now the kids were allowed to pet them!

Facing my fears of birds and snakes! It was scary!


Spelling Test: We completed our monthly spelling test.
Math: We introduced the dime today! We talked about what the dime looks like and how much it is worth. The children are so good at counting in tens because of our fish bowl it was easy for them already!

If you have any questions let me know.

Miss. Ross

Week of February 22nd- February 26th

-       100th day of school- Monday February 22nd
-       Anti-Bullying day- Wednesday February 24th
o   Casual Day- Wednesday February 24th
o   Your child may be pink to support Anti-Bullying day
-       Oral presentations (poems and speeches): Thursday February 25th
-       Creature Quest in school field trip- February 26th
-       Scholastic book order- February 29th 2016
-       Spirit Week- February 29th to March 4th
-       February spelling test: February 26th 2016

1.     can
2.     when
3.     out
4.     have
5.     go
6.     then
7.     also
8.     like
9.     come
10.   be

-       Snuggle up and read – due Friday

-     Jolly Phonics—“Vv” and “oo” due Friday

-       Thursday Show and Share students:   Maia (Vv), Aashrith (Vv),  Layla (oo),  Jordan (oo)
      Please bring in something that has the sound in the word beside your name.

-       Words of the Week due Friday
o   van
o   vest
o   video
o   food
o   pool
o   school
- Please note: ALL students must wear the “winter” uniform (long sleeve shirt and sweater vest or cardigan)- NO T-SHIRTS PLEASE – If students are not dressed in their “winter” uniform, a uniform violation form will be sent home.

-       Please initial agendas on the right side of the book daily to indicate you have read the agenda slip on the left hand side. Any new information that pops up throughout the week will be written on the right side of the agenda.
-       Please make sure that your child has hat, gloves, snowpants, coat and boots every day as it is very cold.